
Writing Facebook Ads With Imagery That Bring In Business

Did you know that our little human brains process imagery 60,000 times faster than text? As a result of this, visual information is viewed 94 percent more than text-based.

This is one of the many reasons why when writing Facebook ads they should contain imagery. These, and many more, facts can be found in a fascinating little book called ‘The Power of Visual Storytelling: How to Use Visuals, Videos, and Social Media to Market Your Brand.

What is the Best Strategy for Writing Facebook Ads?

When it comes to writing Facebook ads you can play around with three types of variables: ad text, ad imagery, and targeting. It’s best to run some little tests to decide which is right for your business. It is also crucial to remember that isolating these variables is essential in learning what is influencing results.

The best way to approach this is to use a 3 x 3 x 3  strategy:

  • Use three types of targeting, three types of ads imagery, and three types of text copy with twenty-seven ads in total
  • From these twenty-seven you can see 1a,1b,1c, and so on, to see what variables are converting users
  • Facebook marketing is disruptive, 1) you notice the image, then 2) read the headline, 3) read the text body, 4) read the description section

By using the above strategy, the successful form of advertising should become clear.

What Are Some Text Best Practices?

Including some text when writing Facebook ads is fine However, too much will result in reaching fewer people. Here are some handy tips to consider when writing your ad text:

  1. Use common language for most of the ad (like writing to a 5th grader)
  2. Use buzzwords that aren’t used often or come across as interesting (i.e., success, phenomenal, nasty, tragic, awesome)
  3. Some slang is encouraged (i.e., meds)
  4. Create a sense of scarcity or limited quantity
  5. A sense of urgency is also helpful
  6. Stick to character limits, so each ad type is properly displayed
  7. Use odd numbers in your headlines — they’re shown to increase clicks by 36%

Text Specs:
Here is a character length guide with an example:

  • Headline (25 Characters) – TMS shown effective for PTSD & Depression
  • Copy (90 Characters) – TMS treatment shown effective in treatment of war-related PTSD and depression without drugs or other chemicals.
  • CTA/Description (30 Characters) – Schedule a free consult today

What Are Some Imagery Best Practices?

The all-important imagery specs. Much like the text, getting this right (or wrong) will affect your Facebook ad reach. You don’t want to do all this hard work and not have it seen right? Keep the following in mind:

  • Images need to be eye-catching
  • Facebook imagery also functions as disruptive marketing, it needs to catch your attention, or it’s not considered useful
  • Images need to be striking, captivating or shocking
  • High-quality images are essential
  • Use of people’s faces showing emotion is highly important


What Are Some Other Important Factors?

Imagery and text are crucial when writing Facebook ads, but there are some other elements to keep in mind as well. Facebook gives ads relevance scores, its ranks advertisements based on how pertinent they are to the user. So, the more relevant your ad image, copy, and destination page is to your audience, the more reach your ad will have.

The content of your ad should also feature a value proposition and call-to-action. Let your audience know why they need to pay attention to you and how to follow through. To drive it home, your call to action may be tied into a special offer only available via the ad.

So the four critical factors for your ad are:

  1. It’s visually amazing and informative
  2. It’s relevant to the person viewing it
  3. It lets this person know why they should take notice
  4. It includes a call-to-action getting people to your product

Do You Need a Little Help?

As with everything, it’s best left to the professionals. LD can not only help make sure your Facebook ad reaches a large audience, but we can make it look amazing as well! Social media marketing can be a tricky beast, and the rules are continually changing, so why not ensure you stay ahead of the pack? Get in touch with us, and we’ll have this sorted out for you in no time.

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