Animation & Motion Graphics

Add some wow factor to your digital platforms with expertly crafted motion designs and animated graphics. Create highly engaging content that will defy the shortest attention span, and conquer even the best of TikTok scrollers.

Bring Your Projects to Life

The art of animation production is multifaceted, and can bring ideas to life in a highly engaging manner. Whatever the animation dimension you would prefer to showcase your business through, we can leverage our creative abilities to your benefit.
Play Showreel
It’s been said before, and we’re going to say it again — video content drives way more engagement and reach when compared to static images. However, the journey towards leveraging motion graphics and animation isn’t without hurdles.

If you’ve had animation and motion graphics designed for you before, you’ll know that things like getting the brief right and providing good feedback are vital if you want the end result to look anything like you’d imagined. At our agency, however, things work a little differently; we have the right people, asking the right questions, at the right time. The result is a collection of brand collateral that’s guaranteed to work in your favour.

Whether it’s your first video or your fiftieth video, our global marketing team is here to support you through the entire process. Animation wizardry is what we do best, you can trust us no matter how complex your requirement is! Creative support will be provided from the very beginning, complete with scriptwriting and storyboarding assistance.

We’ll even go over your end goal, objectives, and messaging strategy to make sure we’re all on the same page. Our global marketing team of experienced animators can effortlessly craft bespoke artwork — whether it’s a graphic-driven explainer video, a character-led corporate video, or a 3D photorealistic product video, we’ll work collaboratively to nail every single detail.


Explainer Videos, All the Rage

Explainer videos are still raging in the current digital climate, with their ability to compress detailed information into awesome little bite-sized chunks for the busy attention span of today’s world. As an agency that loves to roll with the best techniques in the industry, rest assured you’ll be dishing out animated content that packs a punch.

Get Your Social Media Moving

The use of animation in digital marketing, particularly social media, takes your audience engagement to a whole new level. With their constantly high traffic levels, variance of demographics and algorithm-backed integration in advertising, platforms such as Instagram work extremely effectively in tandem with animated clips. Boost your human engagement and get your campaigns moving — literally.

Message in a Moving Picture? Say Hello to Animated Graphics

Motion Graphics in Digital Marketing are a concise, effective and versatile way to convey your message. Brands are able to tell stories that inspire with a freedom and flexibility that is only limited by your imagination. Having the best motion graphics designer or agency on board can make all the difference as you explore different media on your storytelling journey.
Maurice Blackburn

Maurice Blackburn

Uniting: Applying for a Home Care Package

Uniting: Applying for a Home Care Package

Uniting: Home Care Package Allocation

Uniting: Home Care Package Allocation

Investa: Sustainability Toolkit

Investa: Sustainability Toolkit

Hera Investment Funds

Hera Investment Funds

Benestar: Exercise for Wellness

Benestar: Exercise for Wellness

Benestar: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Benestar: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Benestar: Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

Benestar: Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

AchieveTMS: Cap Depression

AchieveTMS: Cap Depression

Motion Graphics: Packages and Pricing Tailored to Your Needs

Creating an animated video is an art form that can take seconds, minutes, hours, or even days — it all depends on what’s required, and how complicated the concept is. The good thing is that we can tailor the result precisely to your needs, and your budget.

Need a short, promotional clip with simple movement? Perhaps a full-blown video with advanced character animation and special effects? Or maybe something in the middle? Just name it, and we’ll have it done.

Basic Animation
Intermediate Animation
Premium Animation

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Animation Expensive?
Animation can be a high-ticket item, especially at commercial level. But that doesn’t mean it’s fully out of your reach. Here we’ll try to give you a bit more in-depth understanding of why animation costs what it does. The first thing to understand is that a good video is about delivering you good results rather than saving money. As our primary delivery is based on fully tailored solutions, larger budgets give us much more freedom to deliver creative high-end solutions for you. Video is also a medium which requires the skills of a number of individuals to bring together the end result – including writers, illustrators, animators, sound designers, video editors and a project manager to keep everyone on track. Naturally, these lovely people provide time that is of high value to us and this is where most of your budget goes.
Why Such Huge Price Differences?

The best way to break this down is via complexity. Perhaps the same way that a box of 6 donuts can range in price depending on where you buy them from. A donut is not just a donut! For example:

Basic Package:
6 donuts from your local supermarket
Intermediate Package: 6 donuts from Krispy Kreme
Premium Package: 6 donuts from that bespoke Vegan / Gluten Free / 1000+ Custom Flavours specialty bakery

Our basic videos are created using simpler elements, less detailed movements, and a focus on object elements rather than human characters which are a lot more complex to animate. Intermediate videos give us more time to invest into developing characters, traits, detailed human movement, layered illustrations, more sound effects, and professional audio.

Once you hit our premium level – anything becomes possible. We can move between 2D, 3D and even live action video blends with custom effects, lighting, rigging, and more.

How Long Will It Take?

Our basic animations start with a guide of around 6-8 weeks for a 60 second video. Some projects can be done in half this time. Others may take longer. But here’s a ballpark breakdown:


Week 1: Research and Script Writing
Week 2: Style Boards and Illustrations
Week 3: Voice Over Recording
Week 4-5: Storyboarding
Week 6-7: Animation
Week 8: Music and Sound Effects

What Happens After 60 Sections?
Our price buckets are all based on 60 seconds, but this doesn’t mean you can’t have videos that are longer or shorter. However it’s important to note that creating a 30 second video won’t be simply half the price, and nor will having a 2 minute video automatically double the price. This is where you’ll sit down with our lovely team, and they will scope out exactly what you need and adjust the pricing for you to get the best result for your budget.
Can I Have Your Custom Sauce Files?
As a general rule, we don’t provide source files. The source files are not included in your animation package, and in a way we feel like this is somewhat akin to giving you the secret recipe along with the donut. If you are looking to include source files in your final delivery, this can be negotiated. However please note that any design source files will come at an additional cost that is in line with industry rates of IP purchasing. This price usually starts at around 300% of your project cost.

Overwhelmed? Let's us do the heavy lifting.


Want Animation Integrated into Your Digital Marketing Services?



A fully managed and executed digital marketing strategy and business growth service that is customised to your budget, target audience, industry and business goals.


An expert consultant to help guide your own efforts by providing marketing and audience analysis, business and industry insights, and solution-based strategies to execute.

If You're Ready to Party, We'll Bring All The Snacks.

We are proud supporters of charitable non-profits, independent brands, and sustainable choices. We are also a strong believer in being different together in a global environment where diversity and inclusion makes us 1000% more awesome.

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November 18, 2021

WIPO: Sony Playstation

Working with Rock Content, we designed an animated experience on the history of the Sony Playstation for WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), and telling…

  • Strategy

    Storyboarding, Storytelling, Visual Concepts, Illustration

  • Design

    Motion Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Animations

  • Client


View Project
January 2, 2019

Maurice Blackburn

‘Father of the Fair Go’, an animated documentary about the life of Maurice Blackburn. Maurice Blackburn was one of Australia’s most prolific social reformers…

  • Strategy

    Storyboard Concepts, Storytelling

  • Design

    Illustration, Animation

  • Client

    Sheepwash Productions

View Project
February 12, 2020

Uniting: Applying for a Home Care Package

Uniting is responsible for the social justice, community services and chaplaincy work of the Uniting Church in NSW and the ACT, providing care and…

  • Strategy

    Storyboarding, Storytelling, Visual Concepts

  • Design

    Motion Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Animations

  • Client

    Sheepwash Productions

View Project
December 18, 2019

Uniting: Home Care Package Allocation

Uniting is responsible for the social justice, community services and chaplaincy work of the Uniting Church in NSW and the ACT, providing care and…

  • Strategy

    Storyboarding, Storytelling, Visual Concepts

  • Design

    Motion Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Animations

  • Client

    Sheepwash Productions

View Project
June 1, 2020

Dentex Health

Enjoy the support that comes from being part of a national group of dentists, whilst retaining your clinical independence and preserving what makes your…

  • Strategy

    Project Management, Storyboarding, Messaging Strategy

  • Design


  • Client

    Dentex Health

View Project

Investa: Sustainability Toolkit

More than ever, businesses need places that work for them today and places which will continue to work for their unique and changing needs…

  • Strategy

    Storyboarding, Storytelling

  • Design

    Illustration, Vector Graphics, Animation, Motion Design

  • Client

    Curated Content

View Project
September 14, 2018

Investa: The Fast Lease

More than ever, businesses need places that work for them today and places which will continue to work for their unique and changing needs…

  • Strategy

    Storyboarding, Storytelling

  • Design

    Illustration, Vector Graphics, Motion Design, Animation

  • Client

    Curated Content

View Project

DirectRFP by LinkSource

DirectRFP is a cloud-based request for proposal (RFP) solution that allows procurement teams across industry verticals to create, share, structure and analyze RFPs. Key…

  • Strategy

    Storyboarding, Storytelling

  • Design

    Motion Graphics, Animation, Vector Graphics, Illustrations

  • Client

    Total Product Marketing

View Project
April 12, 2017

Sky Global

SKY GLOBAL has been the leader in creating solutions for people to communicate privately and securely since 2010. With digital security under threat on…

  • Strategy


  • Design

    Website Design, Website Development

  • Client

    Total Product Marketing

View Project
May 4, 2016

Hera Investment Funds

Hera Investment Funds Inc. is a Western-Canadian Mortgage Investment Corporation (MIC) that is based and registered in North Vancouver, BC, offering investors the opportunity…

  • Strategy

    Storyboarding, Storytelling

  • Design

    Animation, Vector Design, Illustration, Motion Graphics

  • Client

    Hera Investment Funds

View Project
August 26, 2020

Benestar: Exercise for Wellness

Benestar is about helping people when and where they need, in all aspects of their life – physical, mental, social and financial. After all,…

  • Strategy

    Character Design, Storyboarding, Storytelling

  • Design

    Animation, Graphic Design, Illustration, Motion Graphics

  • Client

    Curated Content

View Project
June 12, 2018

Benestar: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Benestar is about helping people when and where they need, in all aspects of their life – physical, mental, social and financial. After all,…

  • Strategy

    Character Design, Storyboarding, Storytelling

  • Design

    Animation, Graphic Design, Illustration, Motion Graphics

  • Client

    Curated Content

View Project
February 8, 2018

Benestar: Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

Benestar is about helping people when and where they need, in all aspects of their life – physical, mental, social and financial. After all,…

  • Strategy

    Character Design, Storyboarding, Storytelling

  • Design

    Animation, Graphic Design, Illustration, Motion Graphics

  • Client

    Curated Content

View Project
July 12, 2018

AchieveTMS: Cap Depression

Deep TMS Therapy (dTMS) is an innovative treatment that offers lasting relief from depression symptoms. dTMS has been clinically proven to be an effective…

  • Strategy

    PPC Strategy, Marketing, Lead Generation

  • Design

    Animation, Script Writing, Graphic Design, Illustration

  • Client

    Achieve TMS

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