Animation January 2, 2019

Maurice Blackburn

‘Father of the Fair Go’, an animated documentary about the life of Maurice Blackburn. Maurice Blackburn was one of Australia’s most prolific social reformers and progressive thinkers, a true freedom fighter. He was an unlikely hero – not the masculine, sporting, larrikin or war hero usually celebrated in Australian culture, but an activist who spent his life fighting for the rights of the poor and working classes. Featuring prominent Australians from political, legal and union circles, Father of the Fair Go is a documentary detailing the life a man defined by an unwavering conscience, strength of character and a core need to ‘make life a little easier for the men and women’ of Australia.


Sydney, Australia


Working together with Curated Content we created and brought to life a series of illustrations in a 1940s inspired style, for use throughout the documentary.

  • Strategy

    Storyboard Concepts, Storytelling

  • Design

    Illustration, Animation

  • Client

    Sheepwash Productions


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