Case Studies.

- Posted by Kat Hodgins
Powerful marketing results delivered with a multi-pronged strategy focused on brand building and online presence. IML sources state-of-the-art medical devices from around the globe, and makes them available in the U.S. They work with top tier international manufacturers to provide innovative yet practical medical technology solutions for hospitals, surgical centers, and other institutions. Through its strong network of dealers, IML supports medical teams as they address patient care in hospitals, surgery centers and clinics across the U.S.
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- Posted by Lisa Eyo Andrews
LD helped CMR Surgical achieve strong pay-per-click marketing results thanks to a systematic approach to ad research, creative, testing, and data. CMR Surgical is the leading surgical robotics company in the UK. Their mission is to expand access to laparoscopic surgery for millions of additional people annually.
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- Posted by Tyler Bowles
While relatively new, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is becoming a widely spoken about form of treatment for sufferers of depression. As the leading provider of the treatment, Achieve TMS initially approached LD for help with their website. As we dove into their project, however, we discovered several other tasks were needed to boost their overall marketing strategy.
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- Posted by Lisa Eyo Andrews
Transport for London (TfL) is the name behind the iconic British underground logo. It is a large, government-based organisation responsible, as their name suggests, for London’s transportation system. This includes everything from the underground train network, the iconic London red buses, as well as trams, bicycles, ferries and even an air rail. The opportunity to work with such an iconic brand was one to be savoured — and we came in to produce the annual Travel in London report for 2016
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- Posted by Tyler Bowles
When designing any effective Facebook PPC Marketing Strategy, a campaign manager must consider all the variables at play. Facebook ads are an exceedingly complex tool, so having a solid strategy that encompasses the platform’s diverse capabilities is crucial. Although often overlooked, one of the most important characteristics of a Facebook pay-per-click strategy is to isolate the variables so you can clearly determine which aspect of your ad is influencing your results. Without this, you are essentially firing blindly and thereby wasting ad spend.
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- Posted by Lisa Eyo Andrews
Kofi Annan’s Africa Progress Panel advocate for equitable and sustainable development for Africa. LD worked with them to produce the 2017 Africa Progress Panel Report ‘Lights, Power, Action: Electrifying Africa.’ The report was launched at the African Development Bank headquarters in Abidjan, and calls for a significant boost in investment in a range of solutions that can solve Africa’s energy crisis – underlying that the 620 million Africans without access to electricity cannot wait for grid expansion.
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