However, navigating the complexities of foreign markets while preserving your brand’s reputation (and adhering to cultural nuances) can be a challenging endeavour. Let’s take a look at what we should and shouldn’t be doing.

DO Conduct Thorough Market Research
DON’T Assume One Size Fits All
DO Adapt Your Strategies
DON’T Overlook Culture, Language and Regional Sensitivity
DO Properly Identify Your Target Audience (Again)
DO Build a Global Presence
When it comes to international marketing, it’s important to also develop a broader global marketing strategy that will allow you to maintain brand consistency across all markets. This is a key factor to think about when you’re tailoring your messaging. A global marketing strategy is not the same as an international one. Coca-Cola is a great example of a company that does this well, and highlights the differences clearly.
DON’T Ignore Long-term Planning
DO Collaborate through Joint Ventures
DON’T Neglect a Solo Market Entry Strategy
DO Respect Intellectual Property
DON’T Forget About Legal Compliance
Ignoring legal and regulatory requirements in foreign markets can lead to costly consequences. Be sure you’re in compliance with local laws and regulations. We note these ones a lot but they are the big ones. The European Union has strict data protection laws in their GDPR; failing to comply can lead to legal trouble and reputational damage. The United States has HIPAA compliance within the healthcare industry, and it’s a huge factor in any marketing strategy.
DO Leverage Social Media
Back Yourself With An Expert Global Marketing Team
When executed effectively, international marketing can offer an infinite amount of benefits. It enables your organisation to tap into new revenue streams, diversify your customer base, and get on your way to achieving a true global presence. Finding success in international marketing is about embracing the diversity of our globalised world, while at the same time staying true to your brand’s core values.
If you have been wondering how to achieve success in international marketing, LD is also here to help. We are a full-service digital marketing agency that specialises in both international and global marketing campaigns. Have a chat with us to learn more about how we can help your organisation achieve its goals.