Your Performance
Marketing Agency
Intentional Marketing for High-Impact Results
We are the architects of change, dedicated to igniting a revolution in your marketing strategies, and propelling your business to unprecedented heights.
Marketing Needs a New Standard. Invest In a Team That Sets Those Standards.
Investing in a team like us is an investment in your business. It’s about understanding your offerings, your market, and your customers inside out, finding where the roadblocks are, and building solutions for the long term health and sustainability of your business.
In a world where patient outcomes, technology, education and innovation intersect, many healthcare brands struggle to connect with their audience, differentiate their solutions, and prove their value. That’s where we come in. With deep industry expertise, creative ingenuity, and a commitment to results, we transform your business goals into campaigns that drive awareness, foster trust, and deliver measurable impact.
Meet Your Unicorns.
Lisa Eyo
Chief Executive Officer
Elizabeth Snuggs
Chief Content Officer
Tyler Bowles
Director of Paid Marketing
Jase Rodley
Head of SEO Execution
Diogo Gusmão
Sales Lead
Suki Lu
Director of Design & Digital
Gary Lei
Senior Developer
Bev Love
Senior Developer
Tom Hand
SEO Freelancer
Matt Hitch
Senior Animator
Luke Carlino
Social Media Writer
Portia Yip
Senior Writer
Daniele Tem Pass
Graphic Designer
Pam Abrahamsson
Head of PR
As LD's client for more than six years, I've always felt that I've been in excellent, capable hands. Lisa and her team built AIS Network's current website and has enhanced and maintained the site over the years. We are now engaged in a content overhaul, which is a welcome new adventure that will demand more of her design skills. Lisa's creative brilliance, technical finesse and no-drama professionalism make her a joy to work with on a regular basis. I value her insight, imagination, sensibility and taste. She is responsive and thoughtful, and she frequently exceeds my expectations. I trust her and that says it all.
Laurie Head
CMCO, AIS Network
Lifetimes of Learning and Strategy, Customised Just For You.
Global. Innovative. Experienced. Data-Driven. We are here to create meaningful change.
Change is our constant. We exist in a world that is agile and easy to adapt. We believe that technology and marketing should evolve and our team makes sure that we can move with it all. Our methodology is focused on continuously learning, improving, and adapting every single day.
Some Good Times, Some Great Brands, Some Incredible Partnerships.
Book Your Strategy Session
Great Choice!
Great Choice!
Our Team Comes With Diversity, Passion, Talent & Enthusiasm.
We Are Collaborative
If You're Ready to Party, We'll Bring All The Snacks.
We are proud supporters of charitable non-profits and sustainable choices. We are also a strong believer in being different together in an environment where diversity and inclusion makes us 1000% more awesome.